Technology Information
Romulus Central School District uses a variety of technologies to support and enhance the educational process.
Every effort is made to prepare our students for a technology-dependent college or workplace. Students at all grade levels utilize computer technology for information gathering, research, reports, and presentations.
Teachers at Romulus are committed to having an instructional environment that is engaging and reflects the best practices in instructional design and delivery, including instructional technology. This district is a Google Apps for Education district that works within the Google education environment. Romulus is committed to maintaining safe access to the Internet and all educational applications used in the classroom.
All students in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade are issued a Chromebook for educational purposes.
For students in grades kindergarten through fifth, Chromebooks are housed in the classroom. Students in grades sixth through twelfth are responsible for their own devices.
Chromebooks are collected at the end of each school year for clearing and maintenance. Students leaving the district must return Chromebooks to the Technology Department. Any Chromebook that is not returned will be considered stolen property, and law enforcement will be notified.
Internet Safety and Security
- Technology will be used to promote academic achievement, empower parents and students with information, and advancing efficient and effective school operations.
- Every use of personally identifiable information by the District will be protected.
- No personally identifiable information will be sold or shared for commercial purposes.
All employees will receive annual privacy and security awareness training.
Data security and privacy policies and procedures will be posted.
A Data Protection Officer will oversee implementation of the law and accompanying regulations.
Procedures to file complaints about breaches or unauthorized releases of student data and or protected teacher or principal data will be communicated to parents, students, and staff.
EdLaw2d and Part 121 Regulations
Related Technology Policies
Technology Department Staff
Jennifer Bartlett-Prati, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
1-866-810-0345 ext. 172
Matthew Thomas
Network Administrator
1-866-810-0345 ext. 195 or 199
General inquiries can be forwarded to the Help Desk: or 1-866-810-0345 ext. 195 or 199