May 16, 2023
Ballot Information
PROPOSITION NO. 1 - 2023-2024 Budget
RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Romulus Central School District, Seneca County, is hereby authorized to expend a total of $12,894,720 for the operation of the school of said District for the school year 2023-2024 and that said sum be raised by tax upon taxable property of said School District after first deducting the estimated money available from State Aid and other sources. Approved 114 to 25
Proposition No. 2 - 2023 Capital Reserve Fund
Shall the Board of Education be authorized to establish a capital reserve fund to be designated, “2023 Capital Reserve Fund” to pay the cost of, in whole or in part, improvements, alterations, renovations, construction, reconstruction and protection of District buildings, grounds and facilities, including original equipment, vehicles, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, furnishings and other incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, such reserve fund to have an ultimate amount of $15,000,000, inclusive of accrued interest, with a probable term of 10 years and to be funded by transfer of the unexpended balance of the District’s General Capital Reserve Fund established in 2016 ($33,105.44 plus any earnings), appropriations from the available fund balance and/or other legally available funds, from state aid reimbursement to the District on account of capital projects, and from such other monies as the voters may authorize? Approved 119 to 20
Propositions No. 3 - 2023 Bus Capital Reserve Fund
Shall the Board of Education be authorized to establish a capital reserve fund to be designated, “2023 Bus Capital Reserve Fund” to pay the cost of, in whole or in part, the purchase of vehicles for student transportation, including all costs incidental to the acquisition thereof, such reserve fund to have an ultimate amount of $4,000,000, inclusive of accrued interest, with a probable term of 10 years and to be funded by transfer of the unexpended balance of the District’s Capital Bus Reserve Fund established in 2016 ($428,191.68 plus any earnings), appropriations from the available fund balance and/or other legally available funds, from state aid reimbursement to the District and from such other monies as the voters may authorize? Approved 118 to 20
PROPOSITION NO. 4 - School Bus Purchase
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Romulus Central School District authorizes the withdrawal from the Capital Reserve Fund-Purchase of Buses a sum of money not to exceed one hundred and ninety-nine thousand dollars ($199,000) for the purchase of one (1) 72-passenger school bus for the transportation of District students, said amount to be expended in the 2023-24 school year. Approved 115 to 22
PROPOSITION NO. 5 - Edith B. Ford Memorial Library Funding
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Education Law, Section 259, the Board of Education of the Romulus Central School District is authorized to levy and collect an annual tax, year after year, separate and apart from the annual school district budget, in the amount of $2,000, in addition to the current appropriation of $27,000 for a total of $29,000 annually, which should be paid over for the support and maintenance of the Edith B. Ford Memorial Library. Approved102 to 37
You may vote for up to three (3) Candidates with write-in votes accepted:
Candidate: Thomas Wilson 113 votes
Candidate: Erik Karlsen 106 votes
Candidate: Write-In Candidates:
Alicia Rath (26) Daniel Schrader (8), Seth Brandow (1) Annie Bachman (1) Stephen Hamelin (1)
District Clerk will contact candidates.