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Covid-19 Information

As we enter the post-pandemic era, we are continuning work to support a safe and healthy school environment and address students' learning needs.  The district contiues to follow enhanced cleaning procedures and uses the highest-grade filters in our air handlers, in addition to other recommendations made by the CDC and NYDOH.  

cURRENT Relevant Documents

Romulus CSD Return to Learning Plan 

Continuity of Learning Plan (2023-2024)

Remote Education Plan

American Rescue Plan Budget Narrative 

American Rescue Plan FS10 (Proposed Budget) 

Education Stablization Funding Review: BOE Presentation 23-24 (January 9, 2024) 

American Rescue Plan Stakeholder Survey: The goal of this survey is to help the district identify prioritites and sustainable practices post-pandemic.

Current Covid-19 Protocol

What to do if your child tests positive for COVID-19, please note the following -
Day zero = is the day that they tested positive for COVID-19
Days 1 - 5 = quarantine days, no school.  Quarantine ends at midnight on Day 5
Return date = on Day 6 individuals can return to school as long as they are feeling better & without fever.  Students & staff are encouraged to wear a mask upon their return.

What if a parent or other siblings in the home test positive for COVID-19 but the other children are negative?
Monitor the children that are negative for symptoms and test them for COVID-19.  If no symptoms and they test negative for COVID-19 they can attend school. Call the health office to request free test kits to be sent home for your family.

Please feel free to contact the health office with any questions. 

2020-2021 Reopening Documents